Here we provides a curated list of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions designed to enhance productivity for software engineers. The extensions are language-agnostic and focus on various aspects of coding efficiency. Key extensions include:
• Better Comments: Improves code comments with categorization and styling.
• Bookmarks: Allows bookmarking positions in code for easy navigation.
• Code Spell Checker: Identifies and corrects spelling errors in code.
• CodeSnap: Captures and shares code snippets.
• CodiumAI: Offers AI-powered coding assistance.
• Error Lens: Highlights errors in code.
• Git History: Visualizes git commit history.
• GitLens: Enhances the git experience within VS Code.
• GitHub Copilot: Provides AI-powered code suggestions.
• Icons Themes: Customizes the visual theme of icons in VS Code.
• Indent Rainbow: Colors indentation levels for better readability.
• Live Share: Enables real-time collaborative coding.
• Multiple Cursor Case Preserve: Helps maintain case when using multiple cursors.
• Path Intellisense: Autocompletes file paths.
• Peacock: Changes the color of the workspace.
• Prettier: Automatically formats code.
• Project Manager: Manages multiple projects.
• Tabnine: AI-powered code completion.
• TODO Highlight: Highlights TODO comments in code.
• Todo Tree: Displays a tree of TODO comments.
These extensions collectively aim to streamline the coding process, reduce errors, and improve code management and collaboration